
St. John Ambulance Malaysia Wave PTX Launching


In collaboration with St. John Ambulance Malaysia, Launches the use of Motorola WAVE PTX Solutions in their operation.

St. John Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) has recently officiated the use and utilization of Motorola WAVE PTX Solutions in their operation on the 18th August 2022 at St John Ambulance Malaysia Head Quarters, Kuala Lumpur. SJAM have chosen to upgrade the radio communication system in their 999 ambulances with Motorola Wave PTX, this cloud base solution would provide SJAM with a clear, stable and secured connectivity and communication between Call Stations and Officers not just within Klang Valley but throughout the Nation and even across borders to our neighbouring Countries.

This solution also offers SJAM with Fleet Management and Location Tracking of their Ambulances to help ease on their operation management. The opening ceremony is completed by YBHG. DATUK MUSTAPA KAMAL BIN MOHD YUSOFF (Setiausaha Politik kepada YB Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan) representing the Regional Minister’s Office. Many thanks and appreciation to all those who had contributed to the success of this project and to the Council members from the Government Department for attending this event. Not forgetting the donors who made this project a reality.

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