Since Motorola is a trusted brand, counterfeit dealers are taking advantage of the brand’s reputation to sell counterfeit Motorola products. Unsuspecting consumers are deceived by misleading guarantees as these products are freely sold in reputable establishments like shopping malls.The ability to distinguish counterfeit products from genuine products has become more difficult in recent years, so customers must exercise caution to avoid falling victim to counterfeit schemes. The price is frequently the most important indicator of counterfeit goods.Always be on the lookout for anything that seems off, both with your merchant and the surroundings. Through false “support and warranty” claims, counterfeit sellers frequently trick customers into believing their products are legitimate.
Contrary to appearances, counterfeit radios, batteries, and accessories are of significantly lower quality than their genuine counterparts. Products that are counterfeit frequently have low-quality parts that put your safety at risk. Contrary to genuine products, counterfeits are manufactured without conducting product testing or quality control. As a result, these items expose their users to the risks of exploding batteries, overheated radios, and short-circuiting accessories, all of which could result in serious burns or a dangerous workplace fire.
Motorola Solutions makes significant investments in the in-depth testing, calibration, programming, and field-testing of the products in order to guarantee your safety while performing operations. The real support and warranty that come with buying Motorola devices from our authorised partners ensures your peace of mind. Don’t gamble with your safety; invest in real.